Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The America We Live In

I was recently stumbling and I stumbled upon Marilyn Manson's Rolling Stone article about Columbine. Check it out here.

Remarkably thought out and thought provoking, Manson not only comments on the American media, but the American public as a whole. I agree 100% with Manson, as he compares teens killing and the American government (or Clinton, in the 1990s) killing during war. Both are the slaughter of human beings.
So the blame should not be on Manson, or artists, entertainers or movies that dare to do just that---entertain. Perhaps it is the blood-thirsty country called America, as we thrive on watching the suffering of others. We train ourselves to accept war and murder. The lies we are fed by our government, by our schools, and by each other, are simply to distract ourselves from the horrific deeds committed. We continue to arm ourselves with automatic weapons, fight for the freedom to do so, and blame everyone else for thinking otherwise. Yes, we possess freedoms as Americans, but that also comes with great responsibility.
This country needs desperate change. We need not only governmental, legislative change, but social change. We need to stop thinking so egocentrically, unclench our fists, put down the guns, and actually think. Consider peace, revolution, sustainability, and most of all, acceptance.

So perhaps I've found a (blogging) niche. I mean, I love politics, social commentary and the like. Therefore, I will now be blogging about my personal thoughts regarding revolution, peace, politics, the media and the need for a huge change.

I would like to thank Marilyn Manson for his article, his revolutionary comments, and other artists who continue to push for a social revolution.

Spaghetti ain't for Breakfast

How does one start a blog? How does one start to show the world much of anything, or put oneself into the great abyss that is called the Internet? I shall find out...

I am not a hobo...for the most part. I'm just a college student who does so much of nothing it is now my hobby. I'm just a girl who listens to music and writes in a journal. I watch every iJustine video. I tweet about nothingness, and I wait for the next shiny thing to distract me from life.

I'm a Democrat, a Gleek, and a Taylor Swift fan. I'm Italian, short, and a taco addict. That is me in a nutshell, and this is my blog.